Wireless Access

Wireless access has become an important requirement for all public places. Guests visiting the various establishments such as coffee shops, hotels and malls etc expect to have access to Wi-Fi. It is important that owners of these establishments supply a Wi-Fi service that is secure, reliable and fast as the user experience is important. Our hot spots regulate the speed and allowed data to each users in a managed way so that one user doesn’t use up all the bandwidth or abuse the data with movie downloads, torrents etc. CONNECTION DATA will set up the hot spot to meet and based on your requirements for your particular establishment, ie you may wish to offer free access for a set time or set a data limit. The hot spot will be branded with your company logos. We will also provide the hot spot site owner access to our optional backend to view user stats, number of logins etc. We also have a number of new features to assist in promoting and marketing your business/ establishment i.e. a short video of specials can be played to the users before they obtain free access or we can capture customer e-mail address and/ or cell number/ or opt to receive a newsletter or sms special from your business/ establishment.